## version $VER: MiniMail.catalog 38.1 (24.7.97) ## codeset 0 ## language greek MSG_USERBREAK ; User break MSG_NOMEMPLAIN ; Out of memory MSG_NOMEM %d Kb) MSG_NOMEMCONT ; _Continue MSG_OOMPOOLED Pooled (%d bytes) MSG_OOMNONPOOLED Nonpooled (%d bytes) MSG_CFG_ERROR \n%s MSG_CFG_OK ; _Ok MSG_CXNAME MiniMailCx MSG_CXTITLE MiniMail 1.4b (c) 1996 Pelle Claesson MSG_CXDESCR ; An integrated email system MSG_CXERROR (commodity) MSG_CXOK ; _Ok MSG_CXALREADY MiniMail MSG_CXSHOWQUIT MSG_ICONTEXT MSG_ICONDISABLE (AppIcon) MSG_ICONRETRYDIS MSG_MENUTEXT MiniMail MSG_MENUDISABLE MSG_MENURETRYDIS ; _Retry|_Disable MSG_CONN MSG_SOCK_CONNF AmiTCP %d) MSG_SOCK_HOSTF host AmiTCP %d) MSG_SOCK_SOCKF socket AmiTCP %d) MSG_CONNOK ; Connection established MSG_PREMATURE ; Connection closed by remote MSG_INCOMING ; Incoming line too long! MSG_SYNCH socket! MSG_AMITCPBREAK (break) AmiTCP ; Break received (from user/AmiTCP) MSG_SOCK_TIMEDOUT ; Connection timed out MSG_SOCK_REFUSED ; Connection refused MSG_GETMAIL ; _Get mail MSG_POP_CONFIG pop3/mailserver, pop3port username\n MiniMail.config MSG_POP_NOAMITCP online MSG_POP_AUTH MSG_POP_AUTHUSER Login (%s) MSG_POP_AUTHPASS Login (%s) ; Login failed (%s) MSG_POP_LOOKING ; Looking for new mail MSG_POP_GETTING %d/%d MSG_POP_GOTONE 1/%d MSG_POP_GOTTWO %d/%d MSG_POP_NONEW ; No new mail MSG_NEW_TITLE MiniMail MSG_NEW_TEXT MSG_NEW_ONE MSG_POP_GETTING2 %d/%d (%dK) MSG_POP_GETTING3 %d/%d (%dK) %d%% MSG_POP_CONFIGOK config MSG_POP_CONFIGOLD Pop3/MailServer, Pop3Port UserName config MSG_POP_ASKPASSTITLE POP3 MSG_SMTP_PUTMAIL ; _Send mail MSG_SMTP_NOREASON ; No mail to send MSG_SMTP_CONFIG \nsmtp/mailserver, smtpport username\n config MSG_SMTP_EXPORT1 MSG_SMTP_EXPORT2 MSG_SMTP_READY MSG_SMTP_HOST HOSTNAME MSG_SMTP_STRANGE MSG_SMTP_SENDING %d/%d MSG_SMTP_SENTONE 1/%d MSG_SMTP_SENTTWO %d/%d MSG_SMTP_HELOF Domain %s MSG_SMTP_MAILF r %s MSG_SMTP_RCPTF MSG_SMTP_CONFIGOK config MSG_SMTP_CONFIGOLD Pop3/MailServer, Pop3Port UserName config MSG_SCRTITLE MiniMail 1.4b - MSG_ABOUT MiniMail 1.4b\n(c) 1996 Pelle Claesson TheEnd Amiga\n\n< SubNormal >\n\n emailware, volley@lls.se!\n\nIRC WWW:\nvolley!volley@subnormal.lls.se\nhttp://www.lls.se/~volley\n\n (ee2846@ee.teiath.gr)\n e-mail :-) MSG_ABOUTOK ; _Ok MSG_TITLE MiniMail 1.4b Pelle Claesson [%s] MSG_NET ; Ne_t.. MSG_LIST ; Li_st.. MSG_MAILS ; _Mails.. MSG_NEW ; _New.. MSG_REPLY ; _Reply.. MSG_FORWARD ; _Forw.. MSG_PREVIOUS MSG_NEXT MSG_SUPERNEXT MSG_INB ; _Inb MSG_OUTB ; _Outb MSG_HIDDEN ; Hidd_en MSG_HIDE ; _Hid MSG_IMPORTANT ; Im_p MSG_UNREPLIED ; _Unr MSG_DELETE ; De_l MSG_HEADER ; H_dr MSG_MIMETITLE ; Select file to save to MSG_DELONE ; Delete 1 mail? MSG_DELTWO MSG_DELALT ; _Yes|_No MSG_DELPROB MSG_DELPROBCONT ; _Continue MSG_QUIT ; _Quit MSG_MENU_PROJECT ; Project MSG_MENU_SAVETODISK MSG_MENU_OPTIMIZE MSG_MENU_ABOUT MSG_MENU_HIDE MSG_MENU_QUIT MSG_H_FROM MSG_H_TO MSG_H_DATE MSG_H_SUBJ MSG_H_MAILNUM MSG_H_FLAGS MSG_H_LENGTH MSG_FLAG_UNREAD MSG_FLAG_UNREPLIED MSG_FLAG_EXPORT MSG_FLAG_IMPORTANT MSG_FLAG_HIDDEN MSG_POST_TITLE MiniMail 1.4a (%s) MSG_POST_TITLE1 ; New MSG_POST_TITLE2 ; Reply MSG_POST_TITLE3 ; Forward MSG_POST_TITLETO MiniMail 1.4b (%s, MSG_POST_TITLESU MiniMail 1.4b (%s, MSG_POST_TITLEAT MiniMail 1.4b (%s, MSG_POST_CC_QUESTION Cc ( MSG_POST_CC_CHOICES ; _Yes|_No MSG_POST_FROM ; From MSG_POST_SENDER ; Sender MSG_POST_REPLYTO ; Reply-To MSG_POST_TO MSG_POST_CC MSG_POST_BCC ; Blind Cc MSG_POST_SUBJECT ; Subject MSG_POST_KEYWORDS ; Keywords MSG_POST_COMMENTS ; Comments MSG_POST_ORGANIZATION ; Organization MSG_POST_ATCH ; _Attachments.. MSG_POST_DONE ; _Done MSG_POST_EDIT ; _Edit.. MSG_POST_CANCEL ; _Cancel MSG_POST_ATTACH ; _Attach.. MSG_POST_DETACH ; _Detach MSG_POST_DETALL ; D_etach all MSG_POST_ATTACHREQ ; Select file to attach MSG_OPT_TITLE MiniMail 1.4a ( MSG_OPT_ABORT MSG_OPT_USERABORT MSG_OPT_CONTINUE ; Continue MSG_NET_TITLE MSG_END {n/a}